We got married October 31st, 2021, but we’re keeping this site up. Here’s why.

If you are visiting this site to see a queer frum wedding, this kind of simcha may feel far away or impossible. There were times when it certainly felt that way for us. Celebrating in a way that was based in our mesorah and surrounded by family and friends was not something we could imagine in our first, second, or even third year together.

Our wedding was the product of love and persistence. We continually worked on our relationships with our parents, our communities, religious leaders, and ourselves. What didn’t seem possible at first became possible through lots of conversation and love—and it was worth all of the hard work and more.

We are happy to share the sources that we’ve found for a halakhically grounded, religiously meaningful, egalitarian chuppah in hope that more people push through the difficult times, hold tight to their traditions, and find meaning and love through it all.

With love,
Tamar & Sabina

Please feel free to share this site with anyone for whom it may be a resource—gay, straight, or otherwise. We built our ceremony from countless conversations with countless helpful people, and we want to pay it forward.

If you want to talk to us about a loved one’s wedding (or your wedding!) we’re here to chat, for real. Get in touch with us at tamar.lindenbaum(at)gmail(dot)com.